Home IELTS Pets Topic In Ielts Speaking

Pets Topic In Ielts Speaking

by teacher

Pet is a small topic in the topic Animal is very popular in IELTS Speaking.

1. Why do some people keep pets at home?

– I think we would all agree that pets are loyal companions to human. Especially for those who adopt pets when they were just newborns, these animals are like the precious children to many families.

2. Have you ever had a pet before?

– I used to have a puppy corgi when I was a kid. He and I were best friends, actually. I remember taking him to the park, feeding him with milk and training him with many cool tricks. Sadly, when I got older, I discovered that I am allergic to dog fur, so I had to give him away.

3. Do you like to see animals in the zoo?

– I’ve been to the zoo once, so I can’t really tell whether I’m into it. It was good to see exotic animals like lions or giraffes when you were a kid. But when I got older, I’ve come to realize that zoos are no different from prisons for animals, where they are caged and locked away from their natural habitat.

4. What is the most popular animal in Vietnam?

– I suppose the most popular animal in my country is the dog. A lot of Vietnamese children grow up with fond memories about their puppies as their childhood best friend. Besides, you can see that there are many dog rescue groups in the main cities, which aims to save dogs from being abandoned or kidnapped.

5. Do you like to have a pet?

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– Yes I do, however, I’m living in an apartment and our landlady doesn’t allow us to keep pets in our units. She doesn’t want to hear noises from dogs or cats as they may disturb other occupants. Well, there’s nothing I can do but obey the rule.

– Yes definitely! I’m an animal lover, in fact, I have different kinds of pets at home. I have two rabbits, two parrots, a poodle dog, and a Siamese cat. I don’t know but I have a soft spot for animals ever since I was a child.

– Well keeping pets is not my cup of tea. Of course, I never dislike animals, it’s just that, I’m not into it. To have a pet like dogs is really costly, most especially when they are sick, sometimes the medication is much more expensive than humans when they get ill. And because of that, I’m afraid that I cannot afford to provide the needs of my pet if I have one.

6. Have you ever had a pet when you were young?

– Yes I had, I had a black and dappled labrador dog. He’s a very faithful and playful dog, I remember, every time I came back home from school, he always jumped on me and licked my face. Oh I miss those days but I know he’s in a dog heaven now.

– Unfortunately not, since my mom is an asthmatic. As you know, the dander of animals can trigger asthma attack. Well I really wanted to keep a pet when I was little but I just couldn’t because of my mom’s condition.

7. What animals you would like to have as pets?

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– Well like most people love having, I want dogs or cats! I love dogs as they are loyal and playful. Not to mention they can serve as guards in our houses. Also, I want to keep cats because they’re independent and I enjoy listening to them when they purr.

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