Home IELTS Ielts Writing Task 1 Topics

Ielts Writing Task 1 Topics

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While looking at the sample answers, you should consider the below-mentioned aspects:

  • Understand the marking criteria- It will help you write the correct answer while identifying the key points alongside.
  • Paraphrasing the question- Experts recommend paraphrasing the question in the very first paragraph. It is possible if you use synonyms.
  • Writing an overview- To write an overview, you can briefly summarize the key points of your report. You can do this without any data reference as well.
  • Back up your key features- Start a new paragraph for backing up the main features with accurate data.
  • Double-check at the end – Check and double-check for errors. Your report should not have any grammar or spelling errors. Ensure that your data points are accurate as well.

Know More about Tips For IELTS Writing Task 1

Common Topics for IELTS Academic Writing Task 1 Samples

You will be given one of the following types of questions for IELTS writing task 1 to complete within the allotted time:

  • Bar Chart
  • Table-Chart
  • Multiple Graphs
  • Map
  • Pie Chart
  • Process Diagram
  • Line Graph
  • Combination of these as multiple tasks

The aspirant needs to write a small report penning down the core features in the given graph that they observe. You will find the same if you analyze the IELTS writing task 1 academic for band 9 samples. You may have to summarize information, describe the stages in any process, explain the functioning of something and outline any event or object. The question format will involve a brief description of the chart or table, followed by the instructions for candidates and then the actual picture for them to follow.

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You will have to summarize the information as per the question’s instructions, followed by identifying and describing the main components and drawing comparisons wherever necessary.

Here’s taking a look at the common types of questions that you will find in the IELTS writing task 1:

  • Bar Chart- Bar graphs or charts are common questions for task 1. The data may be vertically or horizontally showcased for aspirants. An example of a question would be- The bar chart below shows the number of tigers, lions, and jackals recorded in Kenya from 2010 to 2015.
  • Line Graph- Line graphs are common questions in task 1 as well. They are easier to understand in many cases. For example- The graph below shows India and Bangladesh’s population since the year 2005 and predicts population growth until 2060. Line Graph Task 1 for IELTS Exam
  • Table- Tables are regular occurrences in task 1 and they may be tougher to understand. It is because they have numbers without visual representations. Yet, remember that tables in Task 1 are not complex at all since the examination deals with your language capabilities and not your mathematical skills. For example- The table below gives information about the Indian population and distribution in 1945 and 2015, with an estimate of the scenario in 2060.
  • Pie Chart– Pie charts are not common questions, although you should practice them beforehand. The data there is visually represented. For example, the question may state- The chart below displays reasons for people traveling by metro railway and trains or even by buses.
  • Process Diagrams- Process diagrams are not as common, although learning about them is always important. They may show any natural or scientific procedure like manufacturing something or the water cycle, for instance. They may also show something like the central air conditioning system in any home or office. For example, a question could be that the diagram below shows a structure used to generate electricity from waterpower.
  • Map- The question may sometimes revolve around a map. You may have to compare two to three maps over a particular timeline. For example, the diagrams below show the changes taking place at Nanabhai Kirloskar Hospital since its construction in 1930. You will again have to summarize, report key features, and compare wherever necessary.
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Multiple Graphs- Questions with multiple graphs have several kinds of diagrams and are common in the examination. They will mostly have two diagrams like a combination of line graphs and bar charts or tables and pie charts. A question could be- The diagrams below provide information on bicycle use in Alberta. You will have to summarize, select and report key features and also compare wherever necessary.

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